
Below are some resources to call upon for further support, learning, growth and empowerment. This list is not exhaustive and if you have a resource you believe should be include please feel let me know. Many of these books might be available at your local library, but I also encourage you to  ask your friends or family if they have a copy and engage in conversation about it! A thriving community grows through reciprocal learning.

If you need immediate support for a mental health crisis, visit your closest Emergency Department, or reach out to someone using the phone numbers below, where you can talk with someone 24/7:

Regional (PNW)

Oregon: Multnomah County Mental Health Crisis line: 503-988-4888

Racial Equity Support Line: 503-575-3764

County Specific Crisis Lines 

Washington: Southwest Washington Crisis line: 800-626-8137

County Specific Crisis Lines 


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline- 1-800-273-8255

The Trans Lifeline: 877-565-8860

The Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386 or text "START" to 678-678

Teens Helping Teens 1-800-852-8336

StrongHearts Native Helpline: 1-844-762-8483

Teens Helping Teens: 1-800-852-8336

Crisis Text Line  

Intensive Outpatient Services 


Portland Mental Health & Wellness

Portland DBT Institute (for teens and family)

Discovery Mood & Anxiety Program


Associates for Psychiatric & Mental Health

ADAPT+ Behavioral Health

The Recovery Village (primarily SUD, but offers support for other mental health challenges)


Intensive Outpatient Mental Health Support for Youth and Adults - CharlieHealth

Soul Care

Rest is Resistance- Tricia Hersey

Set Boundaries Find Peace: A guide to reclaiming yourself- Nedra Glover

All About Love: New Visions- bell hooks

The Pain We Carry: Healing from Complex PTSD for People of Color-Natalie Y. Gutiérrez


Black Girl, Lost Keys (ADHD)

Candace Alaska (BPD)

Eggshell Therapy (HSP, gifted, BPD)

Embrace Autism

Embracing Intensity

The Highly Sensitive Person